Bread Jamun

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Bread Jamun:-
▪Fresh Bread..............10 pcs
▪Milk..............12 tbsp as required
▪Sugar.........1 cup
▪Water...........1 cup
▪Green cardamom..........3 pcs
▪Lemon juice...............1 tsp


▪Firstly cut the bread edges. Place the bread in to bowl and mash them. Then gradually add milk to make a smooth dough.
▪Make round shape smooth balls.
▪Now deep fry in hot oil on low to medium flame until light brown.
▪For making sugar syrup, add water, sugar, green cardamom in a pot and cook it for 5 mins. then add lemon juice and heat turn in to low.
▪Now add the Gulab Jaman in boiling sugar syrup for 2 mins.
▪Then turn off the flame and rest for 3 hours.
▪Yummy and easy Bread Jaman is now ready to serve.


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