Mango & Vanilla Panna Cotta

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Mango & Vanilla Panna Cotta:-
Mango Flavour:
▪Mangoes.........3 large sized ( cut in cubes)
▪Icing sugar......2 tbsp
▪Gelatine powder......3 tsp
▪Water.........1/2 cup
Vanilla Flavour:
▪Milk.............1 & 1/2 cup
▪Whipping Cream............1 cup
▪Vanilla essence.....1 tsp
▪Gelatine powder....3 tsp (mix in 1/2 cup milk)
▪Sugar..........3 tbsp


▪ You use any cream but add sugar as your taste.

Mango Flavour:
▪︎In a blender, add mango cubes , icing sugar and blend it well until smooth. Set aside.
▪︎In a small bowl, add water, gelatine ,microwave it for 20 sec and mix it well.
▪︎Now add gelatine mixture in the mango puree and whisk it well until gelatin has completely dissolved.
▪︎Now pour the mango mixture in the glass bowl and refrigerate for 6 hours or more until set.

Vanilla Flavour:
▪︎In a small bowl, add hot milk and powdered gelatin in it and mix it well until geltaine dissolves.
▪︎In a pan, add whipping cream, milk, sugar and whisk it well until sugar dissolves and don't bring it to boil.
▪︎Remove pan from heat and add gelatine mixture , vanilla essence in it and stir it well.
▪︎Once the vanilla mixture at room temperature, pour into the bowl enough to cover mango. Refrigerate for 6 hours or more until set.
▪︎Garnish with mango chunks.


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